In Colombia – Annual Festival Of Lights

Every year for the Christmas season, Medellín celebrates an event is called El Alumbrado, literally meaning “the lighting.” The official ceremony takes place on December 1. There’s no better time to visit this wonderful city. The event expected to attract thousands of visitors. National Geographic considers Medellín of the 10 best places in the entire world to view Christmas lights. Lights can be seen throughout the city of Medellín at well over 100 locations: colorful lights adorn famous public squares and plazas such as Nutibara Hill (where Pueblito Paisa is located), not to mention private homes in neighborhoods like Savaneta, and shopping malls. You will virtually see lights everywhere you go in the city.

Christmas lights form figures in the shape of angels, Christmas trees, snowmen, wreaths, sleds, Santa, and other Christmas-related symbols.

This annual Christmas festival started in the 1950s. Over the years this event has grown by leaps and bounds and has now become one of the biggest tourist attractions in Medellin. Visitors can now view over 30 million lights!

The Annual Festival of the Flowers (Feria de las Flores) is another annual spectacle that takes place in Medellín. People from all of the world and different parts of Colombia come to witness this event. Colorful Flower displays can be seen everywhere. I will dedicate another blog to this subject at a later date.